Raw Nutrition


    If  you are a gym-goer, it is nearly impossible that you haven't come across dietary supplements in some shape or form.  Whether you have used them, seen them for sale at the gym, or noticed them at your local grocery store, one has to notice that they are a big part of the fitness industry.  As a self proclaimed gym rat myself, I like to use the highest quality supplements that are available to me.  The quest to find supplements that use quality ingredients, coupled with a company that values transparency has led me to Raw Nutrition.  I chose Raw Nutrition because, as there name suggests, they focus on quality raw ingredients and minimal additives and artificial chemicals.  This is crucial to overall gut health and feeling well.  Taking a look at their Instagram, it is clear according to the feedback they receive, that their customers are happy that they honor their mission.  

    So, what value does Raw Nutrition offer in a space that has so many competitors?  They offer a product that will provide the best performance, by using proven dosages of raw ingredients combined into various formulas.  They don't cut corners when it comes to using the best ingredients available and at the dosages that are most beneficial.  Additionally, they align themselves with athletes who are in the absolute top tier elite of the bodybuilding world.  Most notably is their new part owner, Mr. Olympia Classic Physique, Chris Bumstead.  As well as athletes such as Arnold Classic Open winner Nick Walker.  This gives customers value because it shows that those with the best results use their products.  

    When looking at their Instagram, you can see that it is pretty much 100% positive feedback.  People comment about the great flavor and effects of their products.  Additionally, there is a large amount of support for their athletes and partners.  They engage with several comments per post, even if it is mostly small replies.  Below are a few hand-picked example of comments you would find.  


    It is clear when you look at their social media that they are trying to sell workout supplements.  However, in addition to that, they promote the endeavors of each of their individual athlete so that they can show support.

      I do think that Raw Nutrition is marketing themselves quite well. They are partnering with the right people that make them stand out in an industry with so much competition.  Additionally, I believe that their value proposition of providing a quality raw product is remarkable in an industry that has gotten away from health to help with cost.  To quote Simonn Sinek, "people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it."  Raw Nutrition is bringing this principle to light with their mission of creating a series of quality health products.  Their array of accomplished athletes only further adds to their mission.  

    While I do think they are doing a great job, I do have some criticisms.  It is easy to see that they engage with their audience, however, their short feedback to comments leaves a lot to be desired.  I would try to engage my supportive audience as much as possible.  This would make people feel like a part of the team, and thus more likely to purchase the products.  

    This assignment has taught me how to analyze companies that I may be looking into.  Additionally, it has further instilled what we have already been learning; that you need more than a great product to be successful.  I believe Raw Nutrition will be successful if they continue to expand their social media presence and influence.  


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